A. Client sends Hello to Server listing all of its supported cipher suites
B. Server sends Hello to Client listing all of its supported cipher suites
C. Client calculates and sends encryptedpre_master_secret
D. Client and Server calculate keys from pre_master_secret
E. Server sends Change Cipher Spec to indicate a shift to encrypted mode
A. RC4
A. Cisco SecurityAgent (CSA)
B. CiscoTrustAgent (CTA)
C. Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD)
D. A small Java Applet
E. SSLVPN Client (SVC)
F. SSLVPN Client (SVC) and Cisco Secure Desktop (CSD)
A. To ensure the router has the correct time when generating its private/public key pairs.
B. To ensure the router has the correct time when checking certificate validity from the remote peers
C. To ensure the router time is sync with the remote peers for encryption keys generation
D. To ensure the router time is sync with the remote peers during theDH exchange
E. To ensure the router time is sync with the remote peers when generating the cookies during IKE phase 1
A. The FTP server sends back an acknowledgment (ACK) to the client
B. The FTP server allocates a port touse for the data channel and transmit that port number to the client
C. The FTP server opens the data channel to the client using the port number indicated by the client
D. The FTP client opens the data channel to the FTP server on Port 20
E. The FTP client opens the datachannel to the FTP server on Port 21
A. RC4 is a stream cipher
B. Stream ciphers require padding
C. AES is a block cipher
D. DES and 3DES are stream ciphers
E. AES is a stream cipher
F. AES, DES, and 3DES can be used as HMAC algorithms
Which access methods can CS-MARS use toget configuration information from an Adaptive SecurityAppliance (ASA)? ()
Cisco Clean Access ensures that computers connecting to your network have which of the following?()
When implementing best practices for IP Source Address Spoofing and Defeating Denial of Service Attacks with IP SourceAddress Spoofing, what RFC is commonly usedto protect your network?()
Select the two correctstatements from the list below that describe DES and 3DES: ()
What Cisco Switch feature best protects against CAM table overflow attacks?()
Which should be the key driver for a company security policy’s creation, implementation and enforcement?()
With PGP, which of the following entity signs a users’s public key?()
For a router to obtain a certificate from a CA, what is the first stepof the certificate enrollment process?()
Which SSL protocol takes anapplication message tobe transmitted, fragments the datainto manageable blocks, optionally compresses the data, applies a MAC, encrypts, adds a header, and transmits the resulting unit ina TCPsegment?()
What are the header sizes for point-to-point and multi-point GRE(also known asmGRE) with tunnel key?()