A. An active-x applicationor a java script application
B. A java script application and a PHP application.
C. A fully compiled .NET framework application
D. A fully operational Visual Basic application
E. A java applet running in the context of your browser or a stand alone application using the java run-timeenvironment
A. All TCPoptions are supported, such as largewindows.
B. The server can have more than8 unique MSS values.
C. SYN cookies are not implemented as a method of defending against SYN floods.
D. SYN cookies are implemented as a method of defending against SYN floods.
A. Secure desktop will create a completely separate computing environment thatwill be deleted when you are done.This ensures that no confidential data has been left on the shared/public computer.
B. Secure desktop is used to protect access to your registry and systemfiles when browsing to SSL/VPN protectedpages.
C. Secure Desktop ensures that an SSLprotected password cannotbe exploitedby a man in the middle attackusing a spoofed certificate.
D. Secure desktop hardens the operating system of the machines you are using at the time secure desktop islaunched.
A. NAT provides 1 to manyaddress mapping.
B. NAT provides 1 to 1 address mapping.
C. NAT is only useful forTCP/UDP and ICMP traffic.
D. NAT can be used for all IP traffic.
A. Content and URL filtering
B. Intrusion Prevention
D. Virus and Phishing protection
E. Content Caching
A. Preventing browsers from opening network sockets inlistening state.
B. Preventingbuffer overflows.
C. Preventingusers from entering unencrypted passwords
D. Preventing browsers from acting as client to webservers.
Which one of the following is NOT a supported IKE attribute?()
Which SSL protocol takes anapplication message tobe transmitted, fragments the datainto manageable blocks, optionally compresses the data, applies a MAC, encrypts, adds a header, and transmits the resulting unit ina TCPsegment?()
Which should be the key driver for a company security policy’s creation, implementation and enforcement?()
Of the threats discussed below, what is the main advantage of using Cisco Secure Desktop which is part of the Cisco ASA VPN solution?()
What is true about SYN cookies?()
Cisco Clean Access ensures that computers connecting to your network have which of the following?()
Which of the following is true about RADIUSV end or Specific Attribute? ()
TACACS+ authentication uses whichthree packet types? ()
Which of the following statements that describe Diffie Hellman Key exchange are correct? ()
When implementing internet standards you are required to follow RFC’s processes and procedures based onwhat RFC?()