A.<c:import url="foo.jsp"/>
B.<c:import page="foo.jsp"/>
C.<c:include url="foo.jsp"/>
D.<c:include page="foo.jsp"/>
You have been contracted to create a web site for a free dating service. One feature is the ability for oneclient to send a message to another client, which is displayed in the latter client’s private page. Your contract explicitly states that security is a high priority. Therefore, you need to prevent cross-site hacking inwhich one user inserts JavaScript code that is then rendered and invoked when another user views thatcontent.
Which two JSTL code snippets will prevent cross site hacking in the scenario above? ()
B.<c:out value=’${message}’ />
C.<c:out value=’${message}’ escapeXml=’true’ />
D.<c:out eliminateXml=’true’>${message}</c:out>
E.<c:out value=’${message}’ eliminateXml=’true’ />
In a JSP-centric shopping cart application, you need to move a client’s home address of the Customerobject into the shipping address of the Order object. The address data is stored in a value object classcalled Address with properties for: street address, city, province, country, and postal code.
Which two JSPcode snippets can be used to accomplish this goal?()
A.<c:set var=’order’ property=’shipAddress’value=’${client.homeAddress}’ />
B.<c:set target=’${order}’ property=’shipAddress’value=’${client.homeAddress}’ />
C.<jsp:setProperty name=’${order}’ property=’shipAddress’ value=’${client.homeAddress}’ />
D.<c:set var=’order’ property=’shipAddress’><jsp:getProperty name=’client’ property=’homeAddress’ /> </c:store>
E.<c:set target=’${order}’ property=’shipAddress’><jsp:getProperty name=’client’ property=’homeAddress’ /> </c:set>
A custom tag is defined to take three attributes.
Which two correctly invoke the tag within a JSP page?()
A.<prefix:myTag a="foo" b="bar" c="baz" />
B.<prefix:myTag attributes={"foo","bar","baz"} />
C.<prefix:myTag jsp:attribute a="foo" b="bar" c="baz" />
D.<prefix:myTag><jsp:attribute name="a">foo</jsp:attribute><jsp:attribute name="b">bar</jsp:attribute><jsp:attribute name="c">baz</jsp:attribute>. </prefix:myTag>
You are developing several tag libraries that will be sold for development of third-party web applications.You are about to publish the first three libraries as JAR files: container-tags.jar,advanced-html-form-tags.jar, and basic-html-form-tags.jar.
Which two techniques are appropriate for packaging the TLD files forthese tag libraries?()
A.The TLD must be located within the WEB-INF directory of the JAR file.
B.The TLD must be located within the META-INF directory of the JAR file.
C.The TLD must be located within the META-INF/tld/ directory of the JAR file.
D.The TLD must be located within a subdirectory of WEB-INF directory of the JAR file.
E.The TLD must be located within a subdirectory of META-INF directory of the JAR file.
B.Data integrity
Click the ’Select and Place’ button.Place the events in the order they occur.
Your company has a corporate policy that prohibits storing a customer’s credit card number in anycorporate database. However, users have complained that they do NOT want to re- enter their credit cardnumber for each transaction. Your management has decided to use client-side cookies to record the user’scredit card number for 120 days. Furthermore, they also want to protect this information during transit fromthe web browser to the web container; so the cookie must only be transmitted over HTTPS.Which codesnippet creates the "creditCard" cookie and adds it to the out going response to be stored on the user’s webbrowser?()
You are building a web application with a scheduling component. On the JSP, you need to show the currentdate, the date of the previous week, and the date of the next week. To help you present this information,you have created the following EL functions in the ’d’ namespace: name: curDate; signature: java.util.DatecurrentDate() name: addWeek; signature: java.util.Date addWeek(java.util.Date, int) name: dateString;signature:java.util.String getDateString(java.util.Date)Which EL code snippet will generate the string for the previousweek?
You need to create a JSP that generates some JavaScript code to populate an array of strings used on the client-side.Which JSP code snippet will create this array?()
Click the ’Select and Place’ button.Place the events in the order they occur.
Which is a benefit of precompiling a JSP page?()
Your IT department is building a lightweight Front Controller servlet that invokes an application logic objectwith the interface:public interface ApplicationController {public String invoke(HttpServletRequest request)}The return value of this method indicates a symbolic name of the next view. From this name, the FrontController servlet looks up the JSP URL in a configuration table. This URL might be an absolute path or apath relative to the current request. Next, the Front Controller servlet must send the request to this JSP togenerate the view. Assume that the servlet variable request is assigned the current HttpServletRequestobject and the variable context is assigned the webapp’s ServletContext.Which code snippet of the FrontController servlet accomplishes this goal?()
Click the ’Select and Place’ button.Place the events in the order they occur.
Which element of a web application deployment descriptor element is required?()
In which three directories, relative to a web application’s root, may a tag library descriptor file reside whendeployed directly into a web application?()